Following the devastating earthquake in January 2010, AMURT and AMURTEL set up “Child Friendly Spaces” for 3000 children in the...
In the autumn of 2015, I had the opportunity to travel to India. I revisited a project that I deeply...
I was invited to Stefan Pusca’s show “Dialogues between the Heart and Soul” on the Romanian TV6 channel – and...
A recording of my first webinar: As the technological speed of modern society increases at exponential rates, so has the...
I just made this video documentation of the WWD Golden Jubilee held in Ananda Nagar. My master, Shrii Shrii Anandamurtii...
On my recent trip to India, I also visited the Ananda Marga Wellness Center in the rural countryside of Ananda...
This is a video / slideshow I made for the 20th Anniversary party of our Familia AMURTEL home last September....
By serendipity – or rather the surprising Grace of the Cosmic Dance…I was invited at the last minute to a...
A recording of a talk I gave at the Maleny Neohumanist Education Seminar 2017, at the Ananda Marga River School,...