Let’s meditate together online

I recently discovered this “Insight Timer” – and it is my current favorite thing! It is free, and you can put it on a smart phone, tablet or use from a browser.

I like the subtle tibetan bowl sound as a gentle way to end a meditation session without the rough jolt of other types of alarms. The app also automatically keeps track of your meditation sessions – so that you can record your progress, which can be motivating. It is particularly fun to also find other friends online meditating with you and you can send them encouraging messages…It also shows you how many people are currently using the timer to meditate all around the planet! Fun!

Hope to see you there!

Sa meditam impreuna online!

De curand am descoperit acest ”Insight Timer”- si a devenit preferatul meu! Este gratuit si il poti instala pe un smart phone, tableta sau sa il folosesti din browser.

Imi place sunetul subtil al bolului tibetan, ca un mod delicat de a sfarsi meditatia fara zgomotul brutal produs de alte alarme. Aceasta aplicatie iti urmareste automat sesiunile de meditatie- astfel incat sa iti poti inregistra progresul ceea ce poate fi motivant. Este de asemenea amuzant sa gasim alti prieteni online meditand cu tine si le poti trimite mesaje de incurajare…De asemenea poti vedea cati oameni de pe planeta folosesc in acelasi timp timerul pentru a medita. Distreaza-te!

Sper sa te vad acolo!

insight timer