Off the Mat – into the Hearts of Children in Romania

You may have heard the idea of taking your yoga practice “off the mat” – and spreading the the peace, wisdom and joy gained from yoga out into the world.

Find out how you can make an transformational impact on the lives of neglected children in Romania. Join Didi Ananda Devapriya, who has been doing just that for the past 18 years to become part of a unique story.

Didi as not only dedicated her life to the mastering and sharing yoga and meditation practices as an “Acharya” or teacher, she has also dedicated her life to service. She runs the “AMURTEL Family”, a home for children from rural Romania that need safety and healing from abuse and neglect. Didi has also been involved in programs for Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, and in large refugee camps following the Haiti earthquake. In all of these service projects, she draws on the wisdom of yoga, both for maintaining personal inspiration and balance and for helping the children she serves to recover and thrive.

Didi will share her stories and experiences and about how you can also unlock greater potentials for joy by meaningfulness through “karma yoga”. Indeed, the path of “Karma Yoga” or “Seva” is a deep, integral part of the classical tradition of yoga. Find out her secrets for bringing the wisdom of yoga into serving very vulnerable children. Discover how you can also make a difference and bring more light into the world for children that deserve a childhood.